Association MCD02

Caricetum buekii Hejný et Kopecký in Kopecký et Hejný 1965

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Vegetation dominated by the tall sedge Carex buekii occurs on the middle and lower courses of rivers. It is confined to loamy-sandy fluvial sediments on river banks, which are not directly exposed to the current. Usually this association occurs behind the zone of riverine reed vegetation dominated by Phalaris arundinacea (Rorippo-Phalaridetum arundinaceae association), which directly adjoins the stream. It is found on terraces and levees that are a few dozen centimetres above the mean annual water level. These habitats are occasionally flooded, but for a shorter period than the stands of Phalaris arundinacea. This vegetation type occurs along different rivers in lowland to submontane areas of the Czech Republic.

Citation: Chytrý M. (2011): Caricetum buekii Hejný et Kopecký in Kopecký et Hejný 1965. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 3. Aquatic and wetland vegetation], p. 491–493, Academia, Praha.
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