Association RAC01

Philonotido fontanae-Montietum rivularis Büker et Tüxen in Büker 1942

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This vegetation type of well-insolated springs dominated by Montia hallii and M. fontana occurs in slow-moving water with low to intermediate calcium content in the montane belt. Montia species are poor competitors, and this vegetation type is endangered across Europe due to increasing eutrophication and associated spread of competitively superior species. In the Czech Republic it occurs rarely in mountain areas.

Citation: Hájková P. & Hájek M. (2011): Philonotido fontanae-Montietum rivularis Büker et Tüxen in Büker 1942. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 3. Aquatic and wetland vegetation], p. 600–603, Academia, Praha.
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