Association LCB01

Quercetum pubescenti-roboris (Zólyomi 1957) Michalko et Džatko 1965

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This association includes forests of Quercus petraea agg., Q. pubescens agg. and in places also Acer campestre, Fraxinus excelsior, Q. robur, and other mesophilous species. The shrub and herb layers are usually well developed and species-rich. These forests occur mostly in warm and dry hilly landscapes in the Western Carpathian foothills. They are confined to deep soils developed on calcareous flysch or less often Neogene sediments, often covered by loess. These soils are characterized by clay migration within the soil profile. In the Czech Republic this Pannonian association occurs only in southern Moravia.

Citation: Roleček J. (2013): Quercetum pubescenti-roboris (Zólyomi 1957) Michalko et Džatko 1965. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 4. Forest and shrub vegetation], p. 316–319, Academia, Praha.
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