Class KC

Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo Theurillat in Theurillat et al. 1995

Subalpine krummholz vegetation

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This class includes Pinus mugo scrub on mineral soils in the subalpine belt of the Hercynic mountain ranges of central Europe, Alps, Carpathians, Apennines, and the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula. Its species composition varies depending on whether it occurs over acidic or calcareous soils and as a result of different phytogeographical history of individual mountain ranges.

Citation: Chytrý M. (2013): Subalpínská klečová vegetace (Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo). Subalpine krummholz vegetation. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 4. Forest and shrub vegetation], p. 157–165, Academia, Praha.
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