Association KBD01

Sambucetum nigrae Fijałkowski 1967

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Orig. (Fijałkowski 1967): Sambucetum nigrae Ass. nov.

Syn.: Aegopodio podagrariae-Sambucetum nigrae Doing 1969, Sambucetum nigrae Oberdorfer 1973, Ficario-Sambucetum nigrae Sádlo in Kolbek et al. 2003, Lamio albi-Sambucetum nigrae Linke 2003

Formal definition: Sambucus nigra cover > 50 % NOT Abies alba cover > 25 % NOT Acer platanoides cover > 5 % NOT Acer pseudoplatanus cover > 5 % NOT Alnus glutinosa cover > 5 % NOT Fagus sylvatica cover > 25 % NOT Fraxinus excelsior cover > 25 % NOT Picea abies cover > 25 % NOT Pinus sylvestris cover > 25 % NOT Quercus robur cover > 25 % NOT Robinia pseudoacacia cover > 25 %

Citation: Sádlo J. & Chytrý M. (2013): Sambucetum nigrae Fijałkowski 1967. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 4. Forest and shrub vegetation], p. 129–132, Academia, Praha.
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